Temple Emanu-El Religious School is a welcoming community of teachers and children, kindergarten through seventh grade. Our curriculum includes study of Hebrew, Torah, Prayer, Ethics, and Jewish culture. Our curriculum is designed to help students to cultivate strong Jewish identities which express love for and understanding of our heritage, and to prepare students to become B’nei Mitzvah. Our students learn to understand Jewish history and its relevance to today’s world; to cultivate an understanding of Torah and Jewish traditions, and infuse these teachings into their daily lives; to adopt the importance of tzedukah and other acts of tikkun olam; to establish community partnerships through active involvement in service projects; to develop meaningful ritual and spiritual practices; and to encourage the integration of Jewish observance into their lives as a whole.
Children attend school on Sundays, from kindergarten through seventh grade, and also on Wednesdays, from third through seventh grades. School on Sundays includes Hebrew, Judaic studies, art, music, Israel and tefilah (prayer study). Students study Hebrew using the Mitkadem curriculum, sometimes working independently and sometimes in groups. Classes in Judaic Studies use our CHAI curriculum, which highlights important Jewish values in three distinct units: Torah; Avodah (worship/connection to God); and G’milut Chasidim (acts of loving kindness). Classes on Wednesdays include Hebrew and tefilah.
For more information about Temple Emanu-El Religious School, please contact Rabbi Schaktman or Eric Zelkovitz, coordinator.